Memorial Day Services
Memorial Day is a special day for remembering the men and women who have died while serving in the Armed Forces of our country.
Previously, it was known as Decoration Day, and originated after the Civil War, to commemorate the Union and Confederate Soldiers, Sailors and Marines who died in that war.
By the 20th Century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all personnel in our Armed Forces who died in the line of Duty.
On Memorial Day, the Willis F. Hollenbeak Post 369 of American Legion will have services at Pine Grove Cemetery in McArthur at 10:00 a.m. and at Fall River Cemetery in Fall River Mills at 11:00 a.m.
The staff at Pine Grove Cemetery has been busy this week, putting out flags on our veterans graves. Please feel free to add decorations at your loved ones headstone, but keep in mind to use plastic containers instead of glass, as the glass ends up broken.